Effective Tips in Boosting Blog Conversion Rate

These days, it is becoming increasingly common – some insist that it is required – for businesses to have websites. Moreover, websites of companies or websites are adding a blog section.for the websites of businesses to have a blogging section.

The digital activity of customers is at an all time high and still increasing. People go online every day for a variety of reasons that include learning, recreation, and even shopping. It is no wonder why blogs are becoming an important part of any business or company’s website.

Blog articles have various benefits for a business. For starters, it can help drive traffic to a website. If a business or company is just starting out, chances are that they want to get into the spotlight and become a household name.

What constant and fresh blog posts do?

What constant and fresh blog posts do?

Writing constant and fresh blog posts that utilize relevant keywords and optimal SEO practices can help a website rank higher in search engine results. This means that a website has a bigger chance of being seen and visited by more people.

This ultimately translates to exposure for the business. As more people encounter the brand, the more it will stick, and the more it can lead customers to familiarizing themselves with a business’ product or service.

Blogs also help establish a business as an authority on a specific subject, establish and cultivate relationships with people, and bolster social media efforts.

There is one more benefit that blogs offer, and that is converting customers. When people hear the word “conversion”, they often think that it equates to making a sale. While this is true, it doesn’t encompass the whole truth.

Conversion actually applies to a bevy of definitions. Converting website traffic to a sale is indeed one form. However, it could also include having the people who visit the website sign up for an email list, download an ebook, or join a free seminar.

In short, conversion means having customers take the next step. And we’re here to help you out by sharing several effective tips in boosting your blog’s conversion rate.

What is a Good Blog Conversion Rate?

Before we get to the tips for boosting blog conversion rate, it is first important to understand what conversion rate you should aim for. Establishing the goal allows you to gauge whether your efforts can be improved, and what parts should be worked on.

The ideal blog conversion rate is actually a tightly contested topic. Many businesses have had various experiences, and like many things, it really depends on a variety of factors. You may find in your own planning that your own ideal blog conversion rate may differ.

With that said though, the good ballpark figure for a good blog conversion rate is somewhere from 2 to 5%.

At a minimum, a 2% conversion rate would mean that 100 visitors to a website would net 2 customers who have taken the next step. Despite it being a small number, the general consensus is that 2 is pretty good.

For comparison, some websites have a less than 1% conversion rate. This means that it may take their websites a thousand or so visitors to net just 1 conversion.

The real nugget of wisdom though is that a good conversion rate is one that is constantly improving. We’re here to help with that.

Boosting Blog Conversion Rates

Boosting Blog Conversion Rates

Eye Catching Titles

As stated before, many websites now have utilized the usefulness of a blog section. This most likely also applies to your businesses’ competition. It is like a sea full of fishermen, all trying to catch the same fish.

In order to succeed, blog posts need to cover the right topics and have eye catching titles to accompany it.

Engagement is quickly becoming the name of the game online. For many social media sites, engagement has become a prime data point for its algorithm. In much the same way, blog posts won’t be as effective if readers aren’t engaged with the first thing they see: the title of the article.

A good blog post title is one that is engaging, relevant, very specific with the takeaways, urgent, positive, and concise.

Most importantly, they also have to be unique. Research needs to be done here regarding the post titles on similar topics.

Address Pain Points

Pain points are things that generally give people trouble. One tip that blogs can utilize in order to convert more is to address these pain points. The importance of addressing pain points can be seen in how popular “how-to” articles are, as people want to try and resolve their problems.

Questions regarding pain points are also a very popularly searched term in many, if not all, search engines. If you write your blog content relevant to these pain points, then the chance for conversion is much higher.

When writing blog content, the writer needs to find out what problems the article or post is aiming to solve. One good source for finding these out is by taking directly from the customers by asking for their feedback.

Comments Anyone?

Blog posts are not only an opportunity to get information out there and convert customers towards the next step. It is also a great opportunity to start a conversation with a businesses’ community and build that relationship that could translate for the long-term.

Respond to the comments that are being posted for each of the blog articles. This can be better facilitated by leaving a question or comment that asks for customer feedback at the end of the article. Don’t forget to let the customers know that you want to hear what they think about what you’ve asked.

Blog Better, Convert More

Blogs are a great way to increase traffic for a businesses’ website and convert oncoming traffic to the next effective step.

The tips we have shared are things that you can utilize in your businesses’ own blog section. These are only the tip of the iceberg though. Blogging has been around for many years, so much so that there are many more tried and tested tips out there.

These tips can include strategically using call to actions, placing the call to action button right above the fold of the website, ensuring website navigation and speed are optimal, and ensuring that the content is of quality.

One thing is for sure though, and it is that blogs will continue to play apart in attracting and converting traffic to customers.

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